Friday, December 14, 2012

What Not To Do At Your Office Christmas Party

Love it or hate it, the season for office holiday parties is quickly approaching.   #Scary!

Luckily I had mine a week ago and it was pretty painless. My co-workers and I feasted on a nicely prepared turkey dinner, had interesting conversation over said turkey, and then we were quickly on our merry way.  Drama free.

However, I’ve been to many staff Christmas parties in the past, and I’ve seen when staff parties can go terribly, terribly wrong.  I guess anything can happen when you mix alcohol and poor judgement.  Lol

Since I have attended a lot of holiday parties, I decided to compile a list of  
What Not To Do At Your Office Party. Enjoy!

Don’t complain about work

Okay,  I know you don’t really want to go to the office party to spend a couple of hours talking about work, but if you do decide to go, at least be cheery about it.  Don’t be the Debbie Downer of the office and lament about everything that sucks about your job.  Just have a great attitude and hopefully have a good time.  At least you don’t have to cook dinner that night!

Don’t make rude or offensive jokes

True, you are not in the office, but yes, you should act like you are still on the clock.  Don’t tell the filthiest joke you know, or speak about anything inflammatory (ahem, religion, politics!).  Just keep it light and friendly.   Remember, it’s a joyous occasion.  Just have fun.

Don’t dress inappropriately – nothing too risqué

Keep this in mind, whenever you are surrounded by your co-workers and employer, please dress appropriately.  Read: do not dress for a night out at the club!

If you want to stand out at the Christmas party, forget the super short mini-dress; why not wear some tasteful bling or a sequined top?   Yes, I know I sound like a grandmother, but I think it’s better to look professional rather than the office hoochie!

Don’t drink excessively

First of all, if you are going to drink, PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE. I can’t stress this enough. 

If you are going to have a drink, please keep it to a minimum. Over the years, I have unfortunately witnessed colleagues  getting crunk and actin’ the fool.  If you know you can’t handle more than one drink, then stop!  I’m sure you don’t want to wake up the next morning wandering where your car, cell phone or underwear is! Be responsible!

Which leads into the last What Not To Do At Your Office Christmas Party

picture taken from Glamour magazine
Don’t hit on or make out with anyone

It’s okay if you have a crush on a co-worker, stuff happens. But don’t, I repeat, don’t fully make out with them in front of all of your co-workers.  If the mood strikes you and you want to show your office crush how you feel, at least retreat to a secluded place.  But keep in mind there are always eyes watching! Lol.  You might have some explaining to do the next day. Try to keep your actions PG. 

So that was my brief list of things you might want to avoid at your office party.  Remember, it is a staff party, so try to have fun....just not tooooo much fun!


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