Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day!

Although I have Caribbean parentage, there are a few things about me that are undeniably Canadian. My family and friends can definitely attest to that!

I love my Trini roots, but I was born in the T Dot and I love certain things about the Great White North (definitely not the weather!).

As it is Canada Day, I find it apropos that I can celebrate my Canadian-ism and speak about what makes me a true Canadian.

I AM CANADIAN because….

I like Timbits!

I use the TTC but complain about it all.the. time

I love Canadian comedians- SCTV alums, Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Russell Peters among countless others

I believe that Harvey’s hamburgers are probably the best hamburgers known to man

I proudly wear a toque on cold winter days

I use the word “eh” a lot!

I stop everything when I hear Maestro Fresh Wes’ Let Your Backbone Slide

I have watched many many episodes of Degrassi –all seasons!

I volunteered at TIFF and had the pleasure of seeing Piers Handling getting down on the dance floor at the closing party!

All I have to say is Swiss Chalet and that dipping sauce. Yum!

I shop at Canadian Tire when need be

I can eat anything that is drizzled with real maple syrup

And last but not least…

I loooove ketchup chips!

What makes you a true Canadian?


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